RRR in Refugee Settlements in Africa – Project Brief Series – No. 4: Scaling circular bio-economy solutions in refugee settings: A peer-to-peer capacity building approach
Africa hosts a significant portion of the global refugee population, notably in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Despite prolonged stays in host countries, refugees often struggle to establish self-reliant livelihoods due to legal restrictions on work permits and travel, hampering economic empowerment.
RRR in Refugee Settlements in Africa – Project Brief Series – No. 3: Circular bio-economy innovations for resilient refugee and host communities in East Africa
The Resource Recovery and Reuse (RRR) in Refugee Settlements in Africa project is being implemented in six refugee camps and settlements and their surrounding host communities in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. The aim of the project is to increase the resilience of these communities through the implementation of RRR solutions.

RRR in Refugee Settlements in Africa – Project Brief Series – No. 2: Gender integration strategy: Approaches
for research and development in a refugee
context and other settings in Africa
The purpose of this brief is twofold: to frame the purpose of gender integration for use in displaced and disenfranchised communities in Africa; and to specify how a theory of gender integration and transformation can be applied to specific program objectives, including the design and development of projects; design and use of data collection protocols; development and delivery of training materials; and communication and outreach.
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in a refugee context in East Africa: Kitchen gardening helps with mineral provision
Kitchen gardening is considered a way to reconnect with agriculture and complement the cereal-based relief food offered to refugees in East Africa. This work aimed at profiling mineral content of okra in four refugee camps and settlements located in Ethiopia and Uganda and its contribution to adequate intake (AIs) or recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for young children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW).
RRR in Refugee Settlements in Africa – Project Brief Series – No. 1: Circular economy solutions for resilient refugee and host communities in East Africa
The overall objective of the project is to pilot and scale up adaptable and gender-responsive RRR solutions for increased food and energy security and sustainable socio-ecological systems in refugee settlements and host communities in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Gender integration is a key component of the project, as refugee communities are disproportionately women and children from many cultural backgrounds.
News blog on project launch:
Building refugee resilience in East Africa through reusing resources
Refugees from South Sudan in the Rhino Camp of northern Uganda will soon be fortifying their diets with okra grown in their own home gardens thanks to supplemental irrigation with grey water. The activity is one of many in a project co-led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) in East Africa which is helping refugees to reuse scarce resources.
New project offers circular economy solutions for refugee and host communities in East Africa
A new three-year project that will pilot and scale locally viable and gender-responsive circular-economy solutions was launched on 24 September in Nairobi, Kenya.